Make the online correction in the Aadhaar card, the more educated process -->

Make the online correction in the Aadhaar card, the more educated process

Make the online correction in the Aadhaar card, the more educated process

Make the online correction in the Aadhaar card, the more educated process

Yuletility Desk, Ahmedabad: It is now easier to make online correction in Aadhar card, users will not have to wait for the One Time Password required for online correction. Actually the Unique Identification Authority of India has launched a new facility. This will also save the security and time of your support.
At present you have to wait for OTP on mobile if you have to make corrections related to the base. Often, because of network wikipedia or owing to any other reason. But now the OTP has to not wait. Under the new feature, you will have a time-based OTP, that is, TOTP, which you can use for verification.

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But the users will have to download the mAadhaar app for this. Users with mAadhar can generate their own TOTP manually. This TOTP will be generated in 30 seconds. Just because the phone’s time should be in Indian time. This will be the 8 digit number which will be valid only for 30 seconds.
Learn how in the next slides this app will work …

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